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Anchor 1
Fading Memories of New Year’s Eve: Spring Festival Gala Skits
Skits are a big part of Chinese people’s collective memory of NYE. But lately their humorous quality gave way to a more political purpose.
Carla Viveiros
Is women’s well-being the key to solve China’s population crisis?
China’s birth rate is down in alarming ways, but can women alone solve this issue or does it run deeper and more pervasively?
Will Vagari
The end of slow green trains: a gaze into the social impact of China's modernization
Slow green trains are disappearing at a high rate. But is Chinese railway network’s modernization such a good news?
Will Vagari
Christian beliefs for modern Chinese minds: how come is this imported religion thriving?
Christianity is the fastest-growing religion in China. Why is this dogma resonating with Chinese people?
Gustavo Fiorello
Dance like no one’s watching? The quarrels with dancing ladies in China
Square dance is a common sight in many Chinese cities. However, some residents see it as a problem. Where did this controversy come from?
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