Caterina PaivaVISUAL ARTSA Way of the Ink 水墨之道?A contemporary Daoist understanding of ink art. That’s how curator and scholar Yan Zhou defines his “Way of the Ink.” But what does it imply
Gustavo Fiorello LITERATUREMemories by the bus stopIf you went back in time and met yourself from when you first came to China, would you tell yourself what this country has coming for you?
ChunxiaoPEOPLEFading Memories of New Year’s Eve: Spring Festival Gala SkitsSkits are a big part of Chinese people’s collective memory of NYE. But lately their humorous quality gave way to a more political purpose.
Beatrice TamagnoVISUAL ARTSFrom National Pride to Nostalgia: What Makes Chinese Fashion “Chinese”?From 国潮 Guochao to the recent phenomenon of nostalgia, a chronicle of the evolving relationship between fashion and “Chineseness".
Caterina PaivaEDITORIALEditorial - Feeling nostalgic for the good old days?Nostalgia, more than an individualized feeling, is a social phenomenon. And we are in to explore its various Chinese manifestations.